Distance Categories
Distance | 6 KM | 20 KM | 50 KM |
Date | 28 August 2022 | 28 August 2022 | 28 August 2022 |
Flag Off Time | 630am | 600am | 530am |
Cut off Time | 1000am | 0100pm | 615pm |
Veteran Age (automatic assignment) | N/A | >=40 | >=40 |
Route Map + Elevation Profile | |||
GPX Download | |||
Allocated Slots | 200 | 200 | 200 |
Price | RM80 | RM 120 | RM 220 |
ORGANIZER EMERGENCY CONTACTS | +6 011 1087 2890 and +6 011 1079 2890 |
Mandatory Kit List 2022
Failure to meet the mandatory requirements will be met with disqualification or time penalties
Item | Category | ||
50KM | 20KM | 6KM | |
Valid Race Bib under own identity | Mandatory | Mandatory | Mandatory |
Mobile Phone | Mandatory | Mandatory | Mandatory |
Whistle | Mandatory | Mandatory | Mandatory |
Hydration bladder/bottle total capacity | Mandatory minimum 1 litre | Mandatory minimum 500 ml | Mandatory minimum 500 ml |
Snacks/Running fuel (only served at designated areas) | Strongly recommended | Recommended | Recommended |
Headlamp/flashlight | Mandatory | Recommended | Not required |
Trail Shoes | Strongly recommended | Highly recommended | Not required |
Sunblock | Recommended | Not required | Not required |
Cash (E-wallets might not be accepted) | Strongly recommended (at least RM 50) | Recommended (at least RM 10) | Recommended |
Emergency Blanket | Mandatory | Not required | Not required |
Electrolytes/Energy Bars for the entire route (not served at water stations unless indicated otherwise) | Equip based on personal experience | Equip based on personal experience | Equip based on personal experience |
Training | Strongly recommended with some self sufficiency involved | Highly recommended | Recommended |